Common Mistakes Made by Mobile App Developer
Thinking why an app performs better than others even though their base of customers and functionality are similar? The mobile app development industry is one of the most promising, emerging and lucrative ones. With constant pressure to create apps, it
Top plugins for your mobile app success
Need to develop the best mobile app that fits in your budget? Various tools are available that can transform the mobile app right into the favourable revenues. To tap into the best customer attention there are various plug-ins available.They have
Why are mobile apps important for the desk-less workforce?
In the world, technology is gaining its ground at a rapid pace. Everyday innovation is marking its presence. Being the part of this world where change is the only constant, we have seen technology making its way ahead. In the
Why outsource mobile app development?
Thinking to expand your business? But confused about the resource expansion? Or have a money crunch, don’t want to dig deeper into the pockets so outsourcing is the best option. Outsourcing has become one of the commonest trends in companies
Which platform to go for? iOS or Android
Moving ahead to a mobile app with the right technological approach is the biggest challenge, should I go with the android or the IOS? Or will a cross-technology platform suit me? What about a responsive app? And budget what if
Mobile app development timelines
The use of the mobile application is becoming our routine task; the importance of mobile application has been intensified in the lockdown period. In a study that has been publishing in the Statistica it was found that more than 350
Do you need a mobile app for your business?
Thinking of starting a business or confused about whether to launch a mobile app for an already settled business. This seems to be common as many people aren't well versed with the changing technological sphere and its implications. But with
Top trending app industry
With time and advancement of mobile app development, imagination has gone beyond our control becoming a quintessential addition. It is predicted by Statista, that by the end of 2020, the mobile apps will be able to generate revenue of $189
Native Vs. Hybrid Apps
The smartphone requirement has increased over time for personal and professional use. Many businesses consider it as a tool for retaining customers and generating new leads. The mobile apps are not just about a way to offer a mode of
What is UI/UX and why it is an essential part of mobile app development
Have you ever used a mobile app that has an element misplaced or a button not shown on the phone? Or maybe the navigation page with painful text and eye-crying readability? Well, we heard the pain of users when there are